
Glas Gasser GmbH

Managing DirectorHerwig Gasser
Company register numberFN352579z
(UID) Sales tax identification no.ATU65933779
GISA figure: 11297888
GLN: 9110017651100
Place of jurisdiction: Regional Court Klagenfurt
Authority according to ECGDistrict authority Spittal an der Drau
Trade licenceGlaziers, glass fitters and flat glass cutters (craft) according to § 94 Z 28 GewO 1994

Contact details:

Stadium road 17
9545 Radenthein
Tel +43 4246 2674
Fax: +43 4246 2674 - 6

Picture credits:

Photographers: Gert Perauer, Nina Hader, Klaus Hadler, Rieder & Pinteritsch Architecture

Photo database: , Pauli & Sohn GmbH, Adobe Stock


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